Elona und Arian, München
Wir haben uns im Jahr 2021 entschieden, ein Grundstück auf der schönen ionischen Inseln Lefkada zu kaufen, um dort ein Haus zu bauen. Wir haben mehrere Immobilienmakler kontaktiert. Von keinem anderen fühlten wir uns von Anfang an an die Hand genommen wie von Brigitte Karis und ihrem kompetenten Team. Die Kommunikation war stets klar und zeitnah, und wir fühlten uns zu jeder Zeit sehr gut informiert und unterstützt. Die vielen Bedenken, die ein Immobilien Vorhaben im Ausland mit sich bringt, hat uns Brigitte durch ihre umfassende Marktkenntnis und Expertise, sowie ihre integre, geduldige und auf unsere Bedürfnisse gerichtete Aufklärung weggenommen. In jedem Moment haben wir gespürt, wie sie mit Herzblut hinter ihrem Job steht und wie wichtig ihr unsere volle Klarheit und Zufriedenheit bei der Erfüllung dieses Traumes ist.
Der Kaufprozess des Grundstückes wurde sehr professionell und reibungslos durchgeführt. Darüberhinaus hat Brigitte uns zu dem kompetenten Team der Architekten und Ingenieure, mit dem wir das Haus mittlerweile bauen, vermittelt. Auch jetzt, mit ihrer künstlerischen Ader und ihrem Erfahrungsschatz steht uns Brigitte sehr engagiert und mit wertvollen Ratschlägen bei Seite.
Wir empfehlen Lefkas Land Broker mit voller Überzeugung weiter und bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei Brigitte und ihrem Team!


Elona and Arian, Munich
We decided to buy a plot of land on the beautiful Ionian island of Lefkada in 2021 to build a house. We contacted several estate agents. We didn’t feel taken in hand by no others as we did by Brigitte Karis and her competent team. Communication was always clear and timely, and we felt very well-informed and always supported. The many concerns that a real estate venture abroad brings with it, Brigitte took away from us through her extensive market knowledge and expertise, as well as her integrity, patience and clarification focused on our needs. At every moment we felt how she put her heart and soul behind her job and how important our complete clarity and satisfaction were to her in fulfilling this dream.
The process of buying the property was carried out very professionally and smoothly. Furthermore, Brigitte put us in touch with the competent team of architects and engineers with whom we are now building the house. Even now, with her artistic streak and wealth of experience, Brigitte is very committed and assists us with valuable advice.
We recommend Lefkas Land Broker with full conviction and thank Brigitte and her team very much!


We are pleased to share our recent experience of selling our property through Lefkas Landbroker. 


When using any company or agency it is usually an individual person that makes the difference and in this case, it was Maria Angelidou. We felt she understood quickly the merits of our rather unique property, advised us helpfully on pricing and bearing in mind our particular circumstances. She communicated progress on viewings at all times and was able to build a relationship with a prospective buyer and negotiated with both parties to get an acceptable deal.


We put our trust in her and based on our experience we were rewarded. We have a lot of confidence in her honesty, integrity and professionalism. The agency itself has longstanding knowledge of Lefkas properties and the Greek market and has good established relationships with lawyers and other professionals to ensure procedures are followed and transactions comply with the latest regulations.


Based on this we can recommend the agency.

Dear team of Lefkas-Landbrokers,

we would like to thank you very much for the comprehensive, really patient and both competent and honest support! Katerina Kipourou in particular kept her cool even in difficult situations and always found a more than a satisfactory solution for us. Your comprehensive knowledge of the place and the people helped us to find our dream house - and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your great support! We can fully recommend you!

Best regards, Claudia and Thomas


Liebes Team von Lefkas-Landbrokers,

wir möchten uns herzlich für die umfassende, wirklich geduldige und sowohl kompetente als auch ehrliche Betreuung bei Euch bedanken! Insbesondere Katerina Kipourou hat auch in schwierigen Situationen die Ruhe bewahrt und immer eine mehr als zufriedenstellende Lösung für uns gefunden. Eure umfassende Orts- und Menschenkenntnis hat uns geholfen, unser Traumhaus zu finden – und wir möchten uns auf diesem Weg noch einmal für Eure großartige Unterstützung bedanken! Wir können Euch vollends weiterempfehlen!

Herzliche Grüße, Claudia und Thomas

Concerning : sale villa THE THREEE GRACES.
Dear Mrs. Karis,
My wife and I will thank you very much for the way you and your team dealt with the sale of our above mentioned property in Katouna.
In a market slowly recovering your office was very active and attracted multiple potential buyers visiting our villa.
As we supposed that the sale would take a long time, your office was able to find a buyer in a resonable short period.

We have recently sold our villa in Lefkas through Brigitte. We found Brigitte to be extremely professional and amiable throughout.  She was very helpful and quickly able to solve any little problems that arose.  She ensured that our sale went through as smoothly and quickly as possible.  We would have no hesitation at all in recommending Brigitte to anyone as the top Real Estate Agent in Lefkas.

Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω το γραφείο της  Brigitte Karis για την συμβολή του στην πώληση της οικίας μου στους Τσουκαλάδες, Λευκάδας. Η προσπάθεια από την πλευρά της ήταν πάρα πολύ μεγάλη με πάρα πολλή επιμονή και πάντα στα πλαίσια της σωστής και άψογης διαχείρισης αυτών των θεμάτων. Το αποτέλεσμα ήταν θετικό και την ευχαριστώ για ότι έκανε  , το οποίο επαναλαμβάνω , ήταν προϊόν πολύ μεγάλης προσπάθειας από την πλευρά της.

I would like to thank the office of Brigitte Karis for its contribution to the sale of my house in Tsoukalades, Lefkada. The effort on her part was huge with persistency and always in the context of correct and perfect management of these issues.
The result was positive and I thank her for that and I repeat, the result was due to great effort from her side.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei Frau Karis, und Ihrem Team.
Zuverlässig, vertrauenswürdig, unaufgeregt und professionell.
Well done!

We would like to thank Mrs Karis, and her team.
Reliable, trustworthy, calm and professional.
Well done!

„Lefkas Landbroker hat uns von der ersten Besichtigung über den Verkauf bis hin zur Fertigstellung unseres Hauses  und sogar darüber hinaus überaus professionell und seriös betreut. Wir hatten und haben zu jeder Zeit ein gutes Gefühl und fühlen uns sehr gut bei Brigitte Karis und ihrem Team aufgehoben“.

Lefkas-Landbroker has looked after us from the first moment up to completion of purchasing our house and even further beyond. They are very professional and serious. We have at any time felt good with Brigitte Karis and her team.

We are very happy to recommend Lefkas-Landbroker to anyone who is contemplating buying or selling a property in the Ionian. We purchased our house in 2006 and subsequently sold it in 2013 with Brigitte Karis acting for us on both occasions . Brigitte and her colleagues have always looked after us in a personal and professional manner. In the UK. most property agents only involve themselves in arranging the sale or purchase of the property. Brigitte went much further on our behalf when we purchased our house. First she helped us obtain our tax registration to allow us to purchase and then put us in contact with the other services required, ie. lawyer,accountant and the various specialised engineers necessary. Buying in a country where you not able to fully understand the language or be aware of unfamiliar laws does require someone you can trust. It was very comforting to know if we had a problem even after we purchased then Brigitte would always help us resolve it. Lefkas-Landbroker.com deserves to prosper and we can thoroughly recommend them 

For a long time I contemplated of buying a property on the island of LEFKADA in Greece. I am residing in California and was looking forward to spend the summer there. I picked the service of LEFKAS - LANDBROKERS a real estate company headed by Brigitte Karis and her very capable team. What I appreciated most about working with Brigitte was her ability to listen to my needs of what I wanted and also gave me valuable advise of the pro's and con's of my choices. Her knowledge and connection of the real estate market is excellent and even more important for me was her guidance dealing with the Land registry, lawyer, notary, bank service and civil engineer.

Brigitte and her team are fluent in English and I highly recommend her to any Individual interested of buying property in Greece.

Lefkas - Landbroker
Η δική σας ομάδα Ελβετών, Γερμανών και Ελλήνων μεσιτών, αρχιτεκτόνων & μηχανικών στη Λευκάδα
Email: info@lefkas-landbroker.com
Πέτρου Φίλιππα Πανάγου 18, 31100 Λευκάδα

Ώρες Γραφείου
Δευτέρα – Παρασκευή: 9:00 - 14:00
Σάββατο & Απογεύματα: Μόνο με ραντεβού

698 106 9338 Μαρία Αγγελίδου
693 458 6192 Χριστιάνα Αποστόλου
695 193 2484 Κατερίνα Κηπουρού
694 622 6258 Brigitte Karis
2645 023 789 Γραφείο

Αριθμός Γ.Ε.ΜΗ.: 167246443000

ΑΦΜ: 801968520